Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Stay positive.

The past year, especially the past few months has been a time of major change for me.  The people i've met, the experiences i've had, etc. have changed me as a person and have changed how i view things in life, in the best of ways.  I love the person i've become.  I've learned to be optimistic and to accept the things that i cannot change.  This change was nothing i planned or that was forced, but it was genuine and organic.  That's the best kind of change in my opinion.

I met my new set of friends through my now ex-boyfriend, and i am so appreciative and lucky to have met them.  I've never met someone who fully accepted me and loved every part of me and my personality, until now.  They make me want to be a better person, make me love myself, and help me look for the good in everyone.

I have so much love for my friends.  I feel so fortunate to have them in my life.
And i couldn't have asked for better timing.  I met them all just a few months ago, about a month or two into the second semester of my senior year.  I lost my job, got kicked out of National Honor Society, had to get my college plans sorted, lost my parents trust.. everything seemed to be going wrong and i was miserable.  My friends from school that i'd been friends with for the past one or two years were starting to move on as well, so i was kind of alone and had a lot on my plate.  Although my situation had not changed immediately after i became friends with them, the way i viewed my situation changed completely and with my change in perspective came the slowly but surely change in my situation.

If there is one piece of advice i have to give to anyone it would be to stay positive, no matter what you're going through.  Everyone goes through tough times, but what makes everyone different is the way each person deals with the tough times.  Making the most of everything helps you be a happier person.  You may have to fake it at first, but once you learn to genuinely appreciate every moment and accept things as they are, the happier you'll be.
When i got fired from my job, i immediately entered panic mode.  But one of my friends said, "Everything happens for a reason.  If you got fired, it wasn't meant to be and you'll find something better."  It changed everything.

It's all about perspective.

I hope some of you read through this, if not that's okay too.  It was lovely to let it out.  All i hope is to spread a little bit of positivity into the world.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

photo diary 02

Instagram name: @laurakristinexo

What i've been up to: Trying on maxi dresses, going to prom, spending as much time with friends as possible, finishing up my last days of high school (i graduate in a week and a half, crazy!), taking pictures of rainbows, shopping with my sister, driving over Hoan bridge, etc.

Other news: I don't want to speak too soon but i had an interview yesterday at Michael's Arts & Crafts for a customer service job and it went really well!  Calling them back tomorrow, fingers crossed. :)  My last day of high school is tomorrow then i just have a few exams.  I have mixed feelings about this.

Hope you're all having a lovely week and enjoying the weather if it's been nice where you are. :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Retail therapy.

Beatles tee, lace bralette top, cardigan, sandals - H&M / gel liner - Clinique / butterfly print top - Forever 21 / black shorts, denim shorts - Macy's / pink high-waisted shorts - Dry Goods

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Glossybox USA.

Beauty box subscription services have been all the rage in the blogging world as of late, and my eyes have been on Glossybox since i first read about the company on some of my favorite UK beauty blogs.  When i first heard Glossybox was coming to the US, i was really excited.  They recently contacted me and offered to send me their first box and of course i said yes.  I have to say i am very impressed with their PR girlies, Lily and Adrianne.  Both were super friendly and helpful, and it was very easy to communicate with them both!

In terms of beauty boxes, i've only tried out one subscription service before and that was Birchbox, which you can read my post on here.  I wasn't too impressed and actually ended up cancelling my subscription because i didn't think it was worth the money.  But seeing monthly posts about Glossybox from bloggers across the pond, i had high hopes for my first Glossybox, and i'm very happy to say i was not let down!

First off, the packaging is gorgeous and high-quality.  For me, it's always the little details that get me and these boxes are really well thought out, and besides being pretty, they house the products safely as well!  I cannot wait to re-use this box for pretty little storage around my room.

Alongside the box was an introductory letter, explaining a bit more about Glossybox, how the service works, where it is available, etc.

The products were wrapped in tissue with a little "Glossybox USA" ribbon, as well as laid in shredded tissue.  With the wee bundle of products was The Glossybox Trend Guide which is a cute booklet with products from all around the world.

Onto the products themselves!  One thing that was super impressive to me is the size of the "samples".  Most (all but one) were full size.  I know this will most likely not happen every month, but i was immediately blown away!

BASQ Cucumber Tea Eye Gel - BASQ is a brand that i was not familiar with before Glossybox, but being an eye cream, i was definitely willing to try it out.  I've only used this a few times now so i cannot give a true opinion yet, but so far i am liking it!

OPI Kiss Me on My Tulips nail polish - I was pretty impressed to see an OPI nail polish in this month's box.  The color is gorgeous, a bright Barbie pink color and was easy to apply - like any other OPI nail polish really!  I would have liked to see a different color since i have so many pinks already, but this will definitely be getting a lot of use.  I'm wearing this polish here. :)

C.O. Bigelow Lavender & Peppermint Body Lotion - Again, i was super impressed to see a brand like C.O. Bigelow in my Glossybox.  Although i had heard of the brand before, i had not used many of their products except for the occasional lip balm!  I have yet to use this body lotion, but it smells absolutely gorgeous.

Cargo Eye Bronzer - Cargo was a brand i just sort of passed over while in Sephora, but it was definitely nice to see a product from them in my box.  This look really gorgeous and i cannot wait to use it during the summer!  I have a swatch below. :)

Erno Laszlo Hollywood Collection samples - To be honest, when i first saw these samples i was a bit 'eh', until i looked at the description/price.  The full size product costs over $100, so i would consider these samples to be generous!  I am not one to experiment with my skincare since my skin is super sensitive and can break out easily, so i'm a bit skeptical to try these out.  But if don't put them to use, i can easily find someone who will!

Kryolan High Gloss Brilliant Lip Shine in Toffee - This product is actually exclusive to Glossybox before the launch of Kryolan in the US, which is equally parts impressive and awesome.  The gloss itself is a peachy-nude color (a bit more peachy than in the swatch below) and is very creamy and opaque.  I rarely wear nude lip colors, but this might turn me!  It's a bit sticky but i'm super impressed with the color payoff and the lasting power.  I'm excited to see more from Kryolan after its launch here in the States!

Overall, i was super impressed with my first Glossybox ("impressed" is an ongoing theme in this post, no?  But really, i am).  Based off this first box and the success of Glossybox in other countries, i have high hopes for the success of Glossybox here in the States.
Now, prices.  The cost of this monthly service is $21/month.  For those interested in trying out new products  and brands, the price is worth every penny in my opinion.  It is considered to offer luxury brands and products, and based off this first box, it definitely does - you definitely get more than what you pay for.  Unfortunately, being out of a job at the moment, i'm not able to spend the $21/month on the beauty box service.  But it will definitely be interesting to see the boxes to come!

Glossybox links:

I received this Glossybox for consideration.  I am not affiliated with Glossybox, nor am i getting paid.  And as always, these are my honest, genuine opinions!