Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Stay positive.

The past year, especially the past few months has been a time of major change for me.  The people i've met, the experiences i've had, etc. have changed me as a person and have changed how i view things in life, in the best of ways.  I love the person i've become.  I've learned to be optimistic and to accept the things that i cannot change.  This change was nothing i planned or that was forced, but it was genuine and organic.  That's the best kind of change in my opinion.

I met my new set of friends through my now ex-boyfriend, and i am so appreciative and lucky to have met them.  I've never met someone who fully accepted me and loved every part of me and my personality, until now.  They make me want to be a better person, make me love myself, and help me look for the good in everyone.

I have so much love for my friends.  I feel so fortunate to have them in my life.
And i couldn't have asked for better timing.  I met them all just a few months ago, about a month or two into the second semester of my senior year.  I lost my job, got kicked out of National Honor Society, had to get my college plans sorted, lost my parents trust.. everything seemed to be going wrong and i was miserable.  My friends from school that i'd been friends with for the past one or two years were starting to move on as well, so i was kind of alone and had a lot on my plate.  Although my situation had not changed immediately after i became friends with them, the way i viewed my situation changed completely and with my change in perspective came the slowly but surely change in my situation.

If there is one piece of advice i have to give to anyone it would be to stay positive, no matter what you're going through.  Everyone goes through tough times, but what makes everyone different is the way each person deals with the tough times.  Making the most of everything helps you be a happier person.  You may have to fake it at first, but once you learn to genuinely appreciate every moment and accept things as they are, the happier you'll be.
When i got fired from my job, i immediately entered panic mode.  But one of my friends said, "Everything happens for a reason.  If you got fired, it wasn't meant to be and you'll find something better."  It changed everything.

It's all about perspective.

I hope some of you read through this, if not that's okay too.  It was lovely to let it out.  All i hope is to spread a little bit of positivity into the world.


  1. I really do believe in everything happens for a reason! I've had a really tough couple of years and the only way I've gotten through it is by being positive. 

    I may have lost my close group of friends, been ill for a year and didn't end up going to university like everyone else but I've now discovered what I want to do with my life career wise and also had the best job I could have asked for to start my career off. I have an amazing family who I am now much closer to than I was before. I also have my blog which again, I would never have started if any of this had happened. 

    I'll say it again, everything really does happen for a reason! :) xx

  2. I absolutely agree.  I'm so glad to hear you stayed positive, it really is the best way to get through anything.  Love hearing other people's stories, thank you for the lovely comment! :) xo

  3. I couldnt agree more, when I was younger I got in with the wrong crowd and had a rough time and everything seemed to go wrong,then i went away with my parents for a holiday anf they said just sort yaself out stop feeling sorry for yaself and keep positive and I did and everything turned out right, now I keep positive no matter what,what will be will be, like if ya lost ya job stay positive cos it just means that job wasn't for you and there something better out there. And now im going through another challenge as my beloved dad passed away quite suddenly 2 months ago and again i'm keeping his words ' stay srong and keep positive' in my head and carrying on as best i can for him. Glad you got good friends around you honey xx xx

  4. It was lovely reading this, so glad to hear you're feeling more positive! I'm going through tough times at the mo too including breaking up with a very long term boyfriend.. I am finding it hard to stay positive at all times.. I know one needs to keep things in perspective though. Thanks for sharing :) xx

  5. At the moment this post rings true to me.  I have no idea what's happening with my life this time next month - I could quite possibly be leaving my life here. I don't know. All I can do is, as you said, stay positive.

    Glad to hear that things are turning round for you :)

  6. I really needed to read something like this over the last few days. Thanks hun :) xx

  7. Nice!
    i follow you on bloglovin,
    follow me back? xx

  8. That's what i'm here for!  Hope you're okay lovely. <3 xo

  9. One day at a time!  Hope everything's okay lovely!  Stay positive :) xo

  10. Aw, i'm sorry lovely. :( Take it one day at a time, hope everything turns around for you!  Stay positive. <3 xo

  11. Aw, thanks for sharing your story girl.  I'm so sorry about your father, i'm glad to hear you're staying positive & keeping him in your heart!  Stay positive lovely! xo

  12. This is very inspiring. I'm so sorry to hear all that happened to you, but just like you said, stay positive! There's always that silver lining! :)

  13. Aww thank you honey, means a lot. Hope everything is ok with you and you are staying positive as well, always here if need a chat.xoxox
